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Should the C.I.A. be handing out drugs to Afghan warlords?

Dec 27, 2008 by marnefirstinfantry | Posted in Other - News & Events

CIA Using Viagra to Bribe Afghan Warlords

Friday, December 26, 2008 2:17 PM

By: Dave Eberhart Article Font Size

The CIA has developed a novel incentive to gain cooperation and support in Taliban-plagued Afghanistan - handing out libido-enhancing Viagra pills to targeted village patriarchs, according to a report in the Washington Post.

“Whatever it takes to make friends and influence people - whether it’s building a school or handing out Viagra,” said one agency operative with multiple tours in that war torn country.

Standard incentives - such as money, jewelry and cars - are too ostentatious, noted another operative to the Post.

“If you give an asset $1,000, he’ll go out and buy the shiniest junk he can find, and it will be apparent that he has suddenly come into a lot of money from someone,” said Jamie Smith, a veteran of CIA covert operations in Afghanistan. “Even if he doesn’t get killed, he becomes ineffective as an informant because everyone knows where he got it.”

The key, Smith said, is to find a way to meet the informant’s personal needs in a way that keeps him firmly on your side but leaves little or no visible trace.

“You’re trying to bridge a gap between people living in the 18th century and people coming in from the 21st century,” Smith said, “so you look for those common things in the form of material aid that motivate people everywhere.”

Most of the war lords don't need us to supply them with Viagra,they have a hard on for the US already without our help.What's those fools going to do if there erection last for more then four hours.See their doctor? What doctor.

Lee D | Dec 27, 2008

Is that a machine gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Don't really care | Dec 27, 2008

If our economic system isn't self-sustaining, why not fix the system?

Jan 25, 2008 by Greywolf | Posted in Other - Society & Culture

Giving money to people is a slap in the face to all the people who already know our society is broken. It's easier to buy a 6 foot flat-panel LCD TV than it is to get braces on our child or pay for an appendix emergency. Keeping teeth in your mouth is considered cosmetic and thus not really covered but VIAGRA is covered on most insurances.

The courts allow frivolous lawsuits yet won't keep a drug dealer, murderer, or child molester off the streets for more than 5 years.

Minimum wage wont' sustain a single person yet we have agencies that feed, clothes, and house the poor but rule him out because he owns a car valued at $2500 and is attempting to make it on his own. The agencies will only help those who have no jobs (even when there are jobs).

A farmer works all his life doing hard labor with a mangled foot, chronic back pain, and migraines but Joe Blow gets Disability for 30 years because he has a permanent limp in his walk due drinking and driving in his 20s.


Look at the Big Picture my friend.

""""The federal reserve is a privately owned bank."""

They are putting us farther in debt .
On purpose for a good reason.

The fed is just a part of the World bank?(connect the dots)

This is just part of the Big Picture to your question.

25 U.S Military Officers Challenge offical account of 9/11, what do you think of this?

January 14, 2008 – Twenty-five former U.S. military officers have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and called for a new investigation. They include former commander of U.S. Army Intelligence, Major General Albert Stubblebine, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Col. Ronald D. Ray, two former staff members of the Director of the National Security Agency; Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD, and Major John M. Newman, PhD, and many others. They are among the rapidly growing number of military and intelligence service veterans, scientists, engineers, and architects challenging the government’s story.
“A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible,” said Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret). [1]

Good luck to you hope you do some investigating

This is the perfect answer to your question i think.

The entire infostructure of our government is untouchable to a certain degree unless things change drasticly and theese are just some reasons why.(why do you think theyr changing the constitution of our country ?)

Here are a few reasons the worlds economy is so shaky none of this is speculation its all fact and public record.

Anyone who understands this knowledge can simpathise as well as feel compassion for any other national or color or creed so to speak .

Please read to the end it is important VERY.

You dont understand .There is a very good reason why they had to put his own flesh and blood on to say hes sory for what he did .
Because so many people actualy know the truth about 911 now the world is talking and more and more every day waking up.
In order to keep truth hidden from masses first they must (subconsciously) insert a diff prob and fix it so the real problem isnt seen.

YES this has everything to do with whats going on in russia .Check out all the facts look at the big picture.

Over 900 lies and counting its in the news right now look in the paper thats just a few of the bush administrations lies.

North korea freaks out russia says get out thanks but we dont trust you or care for your help with anything any more leaders all over the world " terminated " unrest in italy right now all pertains to this same problem with the world .

Its the ones behind the scenes crossing off theyr lists.

Many have tryed to give warnings in the past like JFK did in his speaches about the people actualy in control of the puppets.
The thousands that die american british iraqi pallestinian they dont care its all part of theyr plan they cant wait till its just them on the planet and a few slaves.
Research look into new laws and directives and actualy read the garbage called 911 commission report.
When you pull it all out from george washington to george bush and stand back and look at it all BIG PICTURE you will see the truth scary sad truth.

Recent report in the news .Record amount of tourist in N.Y. last couple years hmm mabey its because tens of thousands of people have been gathering there for 911 truth rallies trying to get the Gov to start telling the truth.Or is it just people going there to meet Silverstien the man who admitted giving the order to push the button on the buildings he had just leassed.

””””””Let me stop for a second and ask you a question.”””””””””””

What would YOU do if you were a famous reporter with a good rep.and recieved a letter in the mail with a deadly substance in it Directly linked (by D N A ) to the American millitary : With an Ultimatum ?

Would you watch what you say and do as your told and hope you dont get any more letters?

Reason i ask is this did happen and stories did change.

.First ill start with the last pres and what he was put into his position for.
The only reason Clinton was ever put in office is so he could be ridiculed by the media and so America could see the problem with our Gov. has been fixed (in the subconscious).
Same thing they did with the N.C. lottery right before it came into effect in that state they had to put someone in court for something to put in the subconscious that any problem that might BE is gone from the subconscios mind of the masses.
I know this sounds out theyr but do the homework mkultra and such youl get the picture.

Anyway Bush himself just some basic well know facts hes part of skull and bones .illuminati . is tyed to JFK Jrs death quite the way his father who was also pres.is directly tyed to JFKs death.(ask yourself why the media had to go through the pentagon for information when trying to report on JFK Jrs plane crash when he wasnt even in pollotics yet .)
if you still think some idiot working in the book depository did it do some homework Bush Sr. was put in charge of the JFK assassination and did what they payed him to do made it go away and coverd it up quite the way Bush of 911 did After he got off his butt in florida.
who was in charge of security at the WTC complex on 911 and the months leading up to it (Marvin Bush ) wow what a coinsidence.
Who helped fund and arm Hitlers cause and was even (on the record ) charged but not convicted of such ?None other that Prescot Bush, Pres.Bush s grand father.
Ever heard of Bushs oil intrest and dealing with a man named Osama Bin Ladin?

Look up the music video from eminem bush knocked down the towers wether you like rap or not if you like to hear the truth and want to get to know your pres. better watch that video.

But to those of you reading this who still think it matters "democrat ,republican" what ever WAKE up it matters not even WHO you vote for any more the last 3 elections have proven that they have controll over it.Who ever the World Bank wants there to be theyr puppet is who will get elected (unless you see our army headed back any time soon to retake controll of Washington )as our consitution actualy tells them to do in this kind of situation.we will never again have controll of our Gov. Medea or our schools and what our children are being taught.If you take a serrious look back into history you can trace it back even as far as T.Jeffersons notes about the illuminati and theyr plans for how they would set up the new world order .Awell thought out and so far well orcestrated plan they are more than half way theyr .

But it was John F Kennedy that tryed to warn us in his speaches thats why he was shot listen to his speaches. His words tell it all , whats happening right now he tryed to warn us he saw it comming.

The pres is just a puppet, who cares what his name is or what he says he stands for. Its the bankers running the country not him. They had alotta people fooled untill they did 911 that actualy woke some of us up think it might have backfired on them to some point cause they left it so obvious they did it.
Do the homework dont believe anything sept for what you see for yourself please look , do research.

Doesnt take long to see the truth .Doesnt take long to figure out how the BBC accedently reported the solomin brothers building coming down oops 20 min before it collapsed.

(go to you tube and type in 20 minutes before it collapsed it will blow your mind if your new to the truth)

As Silverstien put it after he gave the command to Pull.

Doesnt take a scientist with a PHD like Dr, Judy Wood to figure out a 110 story building cant come down in 10 seconds without some help.Though i did like her presentation.

What she found is prob. what scared the hell out of north korea and made them start freaking out.

Its also probly why China has recently anounced its putting more sattelites in space alot more.Judies got it down to a science litteraly just think 47 story tall building has a higher rubble pile than 2 110 story buildings hmmm time to do some math .(there is still plenty of evidence that the towers pile wasnt even as high as what was left of the still standing lobby windows right after the dust settled)

Hope this helps.911 ripple effect or 911 coincidences or
look up loose change if you never have ive resurched all theyr material for months and others but anyway they did a good job and all theyr info IS FACT .There Are others out there though ,some are out there to misslead you just pay atention to the proof easy stuff like all the documented but not made public( through so called Media) sooo many people in the buildings and all around saw and heard the bombs going off sooo many people know first hand and reported the demolition but not mainstreem media.

Was no surprise to me at all when i read in the news that Tony Blair joined J P Morgan when you see the big picture and put all the banker pieces together rothchild , Rockafeller and such you too will not be surprised it is actualy a step on a list checked off.
Try to prove me wrong in any of this PLEASE that means your finding truth sory this truth hurts but just think of what the firemen with 30 years in that have to keep theyr mouth shut have to go through.
Just go to the adress bar and type in 911 truth from theyr website you can find the truth up to you what you do with it .
you tube ; you can handle the truth 911 , loose change , 911 coincidences just the tip of the huge piramid

I hope wesley snipes can wake a few people up to the fact that there realy is no LAW that says personal income tax from individuals only on corprate profit and gains. If he "wins" the case he will "Not" be the first.

""" IF ANYONE THINKS ANY OF THIS IS NOT TRUE they must not realize its all PUBLIC RECORD and easly found .Hard part is at first you dont want to believe i know
been there.
What does our Constitution order our army to do ? And Why do you think at the end of the paragraph you find the words foreign AND DOMESTIC?

Bin Laden Had nothing to do with the events of 911

Its kind of ironic realy our millitary are the war criminals the UN never gave the ok to go to war.
Though in my eyes theyr all forgiven IF they com back and take over washington as is theyr duty in a situation such as this.

If you still care WHO is gonna be next in line just pay attention to theyr body language if you look back at the old tapes of bushs past elections you can see it plain as day study it and then use what you learn to find the next in line before it happens . Statements he made like ,oh im gonna win .
open your eyes to the truth and youl see it stand out like a sore thumb.

Oh and if you still think they made it through the van allan radiation belt and made it to the moon back in the 60s you havent done your homework there is plenty of PROOF now public record they faked the whole thing.

Wake up and realize please there isnt one candidate that can come close to winning thats not Illuminati.
Research People Please.

greg cares | Jan 25, 2008

Should the C.I.A. be handing out drugs to Afghan warlords?

Dec 27, 2008 by marnefirstinfantry | Posted in Other - News & Events

CIA Using Viagra to Bribe Afghan Warlords

Friday, December 26, 2008 2:17 PM

By: Dave Eberhart Article Font Size

The CIA has developed a novel incentive to gain cooperation and support in Taliban-plagued Afghanistan - handing out libido-enhancing Viagra pills to targeted village patriarchs, according to a report in the Washington Post.

“Whatever it takes to make friends and influence people - whether it’s building a school or handing out Viagra,” said one agency operative with multiple tours in that war torn country.

Standard incentives - such as money, jewelry and cars - are too ostentatious, noted another operative to the Post.

“If you give an asset $1,000, he’ll go out and buy the shiniest junk he can find, and it will be apparent that he has suddenly come into a lot of money from someone,” said Jamie Smith, a veteran of CIA covert operations in Afghanistan. “Even if he doesn’t get killed, he becomes ineffective as an informant because everyone knows where he got it.”

The key, Sm

If it works, sure.

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