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Does anyone else feel controlled by pharmaceutical companies?

Aug 12, 2008 by asahiippo | Posted in Corporations

I mean, they really want me to buy nicoderm, they want me to think my penis is broken out of the box so I have to buy viagra, restless leg syndrome? I've even found articles trying to tell me meditation will make me clinically psychotic, so I should just take paxil if I'm ever feeling the blues. Soma.
Well John, I think that might be the same thing I'm saying. Could you imagine a doctor prescribing anything that's free instead of SSRIs and actually helps sex life?
Tony are you serious? I'm talking about control, big difference between that and just giving people what would actually help you. Why are you such an angry person?

No, it is those goddamn doctors who give those goddamn prescriptions for those goddamn SSRI's with those goddamn sexual side effects that won't go away!!! :'-(

JP | Aug 12, 2008

Get even with big Pharmaceuticals,When you get sick dont fill the prescription this will put them out of business, You can save all that money for your funeral,Wait until you get that bill.
tony c | Aug 12, 2008

Are these some of the most promising drugs that pharmaceutical companies are experimenting with?

Mar 05, 2008 by Outspoken but Honest | Posted in Jokes & Riddles

BUYAGRA--Married and otherwise attached blokes reported a sidden urge to buy their womenfolk expensive jewellery and gifts after taking this drug for just two days.

Still to be seen: whether this drug can encourage them to stretch to a new designer wardrobe and an exotic holiday too.

COMPLIMENTRA--- In clinical trials, 82% of middle-aged blokes given this drug noticed that their wives had a new hairstyle.

Currently being tested to see if it`s effects can extend to noticing new clothing.

DIRECTRA---- A dose of this drug given to blokes before leaving on car trips caused 72% of them to stop and ask directions when they got lost, compared to a control group of 0.2%.

NEGA-SPORTAGRA--- Blokes reported that this drug had the strange effect of making them want to turn off televised sports and actually chat to their girlfriends.

FLYAGRA-- This drug is showing special promise in treating blokes with OFD ( open fly disorder). Especially useful for blokes on Viagra.

ha ha ha funny
thanks for a laugh
please answer http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind ex;_ylt=AlfpeudUshZEcyWnn8B.WT8gBgx.;_yl v=3?qid=20080302120524AAudvK7

Luck dragon | Mar 06, 2008

I am received mail in one In my same mail id it is possible?

Sep 24, 2008 by Jeyaprakash J | Posted in Spam & Bulk Mail


I Received mail in my same mail id. it is possible, What step for me for action this id. Below in my received mail

From jjeyaprakash@yahoo.com Wed Sep 24 11:51:09 2008
Return-Path: <abcc@mta331.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Authentication-Results: mta331.mail.mud.yahoo.com from=yahoo.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
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by mta331.mail.mud.yahoo.com with SMTP; Tue, 23 Sep 2008 23:21:08 -0700
From: <jjeyaprakash@yahoo.com>
To: <jjeyaprakash@yahoo.com>
Subject: CIALIS, Viagra from Licensed Pharmaceutical Manufacturers!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary= "----=_NextPart_000_0010_D8ABA846.EFC8CAD2"
Content-Length: 621

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JoelKatz | Sep 24, 2008

Is this a justifiable grounds for divorce?

Aug 01, 2008 by The Notorious P.I.G | Posted in Marriage & Divorce

Here's the deal:

I am 43 years old, my wife is 41, we have three kids. I am a work from home Dad(writer), and my wife is a Pharmacist who works for a major pharmaceutical sales firm (regional sales manager).

My father in law runs the publishing company that carries most of my work. Divorcing his daughter becaue she is fat probably woulnd't sit well with him (he has been married for over 40 years to a fat woman). We have major contract renewals due 7 months from now which represent a major portion of my income.

About 5 years ago, when my wife started to get a little out of shape (now she is a lot out of shape) I started to lose my libido.Initially I didn't tie my wife's decreasing attraciveness to my loss of ibido. I assumed it was just a function of the aging process (ie.only a problem within me).
First I went to my doctor who was all too eager to declare that I had "Erectile Dysfunction" or E.D. and even more eager to start me taking viagra, then Cialis.

I tried them, and yes they make my "soldier stand at attention" well enough, but I still didn't have the desire to be with this increasingly overweight and out of shape woman who is my wife.

After about 6 months trying our differnt natural remedies, phamaceuticals, chinese herbalist remedies etc. I decided to stop using any of them. These products certainly made me ABLE to perform but simply didn't make me WANT to have sex with my wife.

I hired a new "personal assistant" who came highly recommended and she is well educated. Due to my schedule my assistant needs to accompany me most everywhere throughot my day when I am running errands, going to the gym etc. She is very attractive. I noticed I would get aroused simply by her proximity (smelling her perfume etc.).

SO a light went on in my head. I was misdiagnosed! I don't have, nor did I ever have erectile dysfunction!

Well one thing led to another and I have been having an affair (of a sexual nature) with my personal assitant.

THe long and short of it is, I am not attracted to my wife, not because I don't want to be, lord knows I've tried to be a good husband to her, I signed her up to the gym, arobics, yoga, hired a nutritional consultant to teach her to cook healthier, set the alarm for her to get up an hour earlier than the rest of the house so she can go running, bought a big dog for her to walk... ends up I have to walk the dog.

I think she likes being out of shape. I am simply not attracted to her anymore and I know that she forced me to have clandestine affairs through her unwillingness to change her unatractive body.

Because of her laziness, I have been forced to sneak around to have sex with women who are attractive. I kind of resent her for this. Of course, I know that most of you will say I am a lout for blaming her for my infidelity, but it's true, she is to blame. I cannot lay the blame at anyone else's feet.I did't want to do this, but neither do I desire to be with an out of shape woman wh isn't attractive when I know for an absolute certainty that I don't have to.

Any advice?

What more advice do you need a$$hole!! You make me sick!! I cannot believe the woman who would shack up with your cheating a$$!

Get help and divorce your wife b/c she doesn't deserve a man like you!! You are a sorry piece of excuse for a man!

And oh yea, you are a writer you make your story juicy, so you can look good! You are a cheater b/c you are a sick inconsiderate bastard DOG!! Low dow dirty hoe!

You make me sick!!

martina | Aug 01, 2008

Who should I blame for my dysfunction?

Oct 22, 2009 by johnnydee | Posted in Men's Health

took a drug for my hair that made me impotent for life.

I shared a flat with a guy while I was doing this, he slashed my jacket and turned off the heating so that I was stressed out and my hormones were fucked. He stole my camera and hacked into my computer, he's one of those Aspergers sufferers with geeky skills.

I moved into the flat to save money to buy a house. He did not say he had aspergers and that it was a happy flat, it was living there in conjunction with the drug that has wrecked my life.

Ia m 30 and was good looking and intelligent now got loads of horrible effects like ED and muscle wasting, brain fog. Got no siblings so my mum will have no grandkids.

Also the landlord wnet back on his word that I could move out when I wanted after 6 months, he made me sign a new lease or I'd have to m ove my stuff out the next day.

Am i mad to want revenge? Should I try later on?

Took drug called propecia.

Becuase flat was so rubbish just stayed in my room and masturbated after work, there was no decent living room.

Aspie would turn off lights and heating all the time.

If i didn't live there I would have been fine. Fell like him and landlord are to blame.

Plus he was an ugly ginger haired freak jealous cos I got into clubs and he didn't

Plus he was from a middle class background, I wasn't but was more intelligent and not just a smelly geek.

Living in the flat lowered my testosterone levels as it was dingy and depressing and I didn't exercise.
15 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
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7 minutes ago

So it's not as simple as moving on...

Plus another guy I shared a flat with before knew I was taking the drug and also that I took Viagra - he told my friends about this but not that I took the hair loss drug - and he told me to 'knock myself out' when I ranmg him at work.

johnny D: Son i have been on Finasteride for prostate trouble for a long time and have had no problems, as for the low testosterone, it isn't from what you claim. I have had no testicles for years also and have been on Depo Testosterone shots for years. Your theory doesn't hold up ! As to why you have low testosterone, You have to have a blood test in order to find out if you have lowered testosterone levels, and stress is not going to cause it. I guess you might consider a talk with a good doctor for other problems then what you think. Good luck Steve

mandm68 | Oct 22, 2009

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Director digs into pharmaceutical industry in 'Love and Other Drugs'
Enterprise News - Nov 20, 2010
New York Daily NewsDirector digs into pharmaceutical industry in 'Love and Other Drugs'The film, culled from Jamie Reidy's memoir, “Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman,” centers its attention on Pfizer, where Reidy made a bundle by Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway steam it up for the sake of 'Love'Viagra Film Met With Lukewarm ReviewsIt's the Relationships, Stupid - -all 595 news articles »

Pfizer spends $4.2 million lobbying in 3Q
BusinessWeek - Nov 19, 2010
The company makes blockbuster products, including the cholesterol drug Lipitor and impotence pill Viagra. During the third quarter, it reduced spending by and more »

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