
Buy viagra alternative - Canadian Pharmacy

Alternative medicine heals, strengthens immune system


Hey! Stop being a lazy (and often unwell) American and get off your ass!

If you do find yourself ill, think about the alternative to conventional medicine and try an Eastern method.

Conventional drugs trick the body into feeling temporarily well, while alternatives such as Acupuncture, Ayurveda and Chinese herbal nutrition heal and strengthen the immune system.

Eastern medicine advocates prevention through healthful upkeep and addresses the symptoms of sickness, a healthier and safer approach.

Unfortunately, many neglect taking care of their bodies, depending instead on prescription meds and obeying their drug-company influenced doctors for a quick fix.

Americans need to learn to strengthen their immune systems before they come down with the latest super-virus.

Instead of loafing on the couch snacking on junk food, hit the gym or a yoga class on campus. A healthy body is a shield against germs. Increasing vitamin intake is also beneficial. Ever heard of vegetables? Eat them - the more the better.

Source: Golden Gate [X]Press

What is an alternative to Viagra that I can buy at the store?

Aug 23, 2009 by Trouble_i | Posted in Men's Health

dont u need a prescription to buy cialis?

It would be Cialis

| Aug 23, 2009

John | Aug 23, 2009

Ife | Aug 23, 2009

ew find a lady who loves your peen for what he is

\/\/\/\/GOAT WEED IS BULLSHET tried it bullllllllll waste of money
<33 | Aug 23, 2009

Goat weed.
Natural stuff that wont have crazy side affects.
Exodous G | Aug 23, 2009

Horny Goat Weed...I know the name sounds funny, but its an herbal type kind of like a vitamin.
Sabrina | Aug 23, 2009

kimmers_19 | Aug 23, 2009

Not anything.
Barcode | Aug 23, 2009

Hustler does it for me.
Alejandro M | Aug 23, 2009

Mattier303 | Aug 23, 2009

ive heard that the rind (the white part) of water melons contains something similar tto the active ingredient in viagra. ive never tried it and im not sure how much of it u have to eat to get the desired effects but its worht a try since its totally natural. :)
Andre | Aug 23, 2009

buy herbal viagra online. the safest. no prescription if it is natural.
Greg Y | Aug 23, 2009

its should be levitra then

jam | Aug 25, 2009

Is there an alternative medicine to Viagra that we can buy as over the counter ?

Jul 17, 2009 by raid | Posted in Medicine

there is alternative, ask your doctor about CIALIS, you take 1 pill and its good for 3 days, and it might be cheaper then viagra if you dont have insurance, but that is behind the counter, unless u want to get a prescription u cant get it, If you are dead set against getting a prescription then only thing you can do is talked to someone about herbal modern-age type medicine or look into aphrodisiacs(spelling?)

mik | Jul 17, 2009

What is a REAL Viagra alternative?

May 14, 2009 by Francis R | Posted in Alternative Medicine

Please answer from experience ONLY. No, internet claims such as Yohimbe, horny goat weed, and tribbulus etc are NOT experience. They really cant be compared to Viagra. I know some exist, just not sure what to buy. Do NOT sell me YOUR crap or answer from useless internet articles please. Either you know or do not. Thank you!

Hi Francis. I hope you are "up" for some biochemistry!

Viagra "works" by increasing the activity of Nitric Oxide (NO). NO causes vasodilation of arteries, which in turn, causes increased blood flow that results in an erection.

The body makes NO from the amino acid L-Arginine. The enzyme that converts L-arginine into Nitric Oxide requires a cofactor for proper function. The cofactor (BH4 - tetrahydrobiopterin) requires Folic Acid (a B-vitamin) and Vitamin C to maintain optimum levels of BH4 in the 'active' form.

So, you may be able to improve blood flow and vasodilation in the penis by supplementing your diet with: 1) 6 mg/day of L-arginine, plus 2) Folic Acid, and 3) Vitamin C.

Best wishes and good luck.

Doctor J | May 14, 2009

what is a good viagra alternative that be made at home?

Sep 27, 2008 by Ray Ortiz | Posted in Medicine

or can be bought at stores that are cheaper?

'ere in Dipwytch Farmer Rich Meadows does as knock up 'is Niagra in the shed. I don't as know what 'e bungs in the stuff, but it's sumthin' or other 'e did as get frum an ol' book on plants an' 'erbs. 'e flogs it by post at twenty quid fer five, and now offers 4 diff'rent type though, 'tween you an' the gatepost, they's all the same 'part frum the labels.

)=> NIAGRA STRAIGHTS: Go with the flow and get there slow.

)=> NIAGRA MEANDER: Great for the not-straight.

)=> NIAGRA FALLS: Don't just splash. Make a resounding crash.

)=>NEW! NIAGRA TRADITIONAL: As good as it always was.

'e tells me you can learn more on sum webpage, what 'e's 'ad made: 'e does as suggest searchin' fer sumint on Goggle, or sumint like that.
Cheers frum the Village 'all!

Oh yeh, 'e says as to search fer: DIPWYTCH: RENOVATE YER MANHOOD

KTDykes | Sep 27, 2008

Where to find Laboob Sagheer, TAMPCOL's alternative to Viagra?

Oct 05, 2009 by RAJI | Posted in Men's Health

I am trying to find this male enhancement medicine, in Medical Stores? but not able to find..............can anyone suggest where to buy it?

i think it will help you. http://www.iherbal.in/herbal_medicine_fo r_female_health/Sterility.htm

| Oct 05, 2009

Men's Health Q&A: Alternatives to Viagra

Dr. Jonty Heaversedge talks about the alternatives to viagra.

Buy viagra alternative - News

Chinese medicines mushroom due to disasters, speculation
Sydney Morning Herald - Nov 19, 2010
Known as cordyceps sinensis, yartsa gunbu, caterpillar fungus and Himalayan viagra, the prized dried mushroom, hailed by the Chinese for its anti-tumour, and more »

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