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Should the C.I.A. be handing out drugs to Afghan warlords?

Dec 27, 2008 by marnefirstinfantry | Posted in Other - News & Events

CIA Using Viagra to Bribe Afghan Warlords

Friday, December 26, 2008 2:17 PM

By: Dave Eberhart Article Font Size

The CIA has developed a novel incentive to gain cooperation and support in Taliban-plagued Afghanistan - handing out libido-enhancing Viagra pills to targeted village patriarchs, according to a report in the Washington Post.

“Whatever it takes to make friends and influence people - whether it’s building a school or handing out Viagra,” said one agency operative with multiple tours in that war torn country.

Standard incentives - such as money, jewelry and cars - are too ostentatious, noted another operative to the Post.

“If you give an asset $1,000, he’ll go out and buy the shiniest junk he can find, and it will be apparent that he has suddenly come into a lot of money from someone,” said Jamie Smith, a veteran of CIA covert operations in Afghanistan. “Even if he doesn’t get killed, he becomes ineffective as an informant because everyone knows where he got it.”

The key, Smith said, is to find a way to meet the informant’s personal needs in a way that keeps him firmly on your side but leaves little or no visible trace.

“You’re trying to bridge a gap between people living in the 18th century and people coming in from the 21st century,” Smith said, “so you look for those common things in the form of material aid that motivate people everywhere.”

Most of the war lords don't need us to supply them with Viagra,they have a hard on for the US already without our help.What's those fools going to do if there erection last for more then four hours.See their doctor? What doctor.

Lee D | Dec 27, 2008

Is that a machine gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Don't really care | Dec 27, 2008

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Sep 24, 2008 by Jeyaprakash J | Posted in Spam & Bulk Mail


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From jjeyaprakash@yahoo.com Wed Sep 24 11:51:09 2008
Return-Path: <abcc@mta331.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
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JoelKatz | Sep 24, 2008

Im 48. He is 62. Married 20 yr. Sex 1 time in year. He got cheap gift for coworker on our vacation. Cheating?

Aug 28, 2009 by Renie61 | Posted in Marriage & Divorce

We have a wonderful life. Nice home. Great son. Good jobs. In the last year he has not initiated sex at all. I initiated it on our anniversary in 2008. Recently I initiated it again. It have been well over a year. Sex was okay. I initiated the next morning and he could not be bothered. Said he cannot keep an erection. I find that to be odd. He is healthy. I have encouraged him to see doc and get viagra or check medical condition. He just shrugs me off. While we were on vacation, he purchased a shot glass for a young woman that works in a business associated with his. I was shocked. It was a cheap gift but it struck me as out of character. He said he was buying it for her. That she collects them. A few days later I asked her name. He blurted it out. I looked her up and she is about 35 years old. I think it is rather odd that he was thinking of her and shopping for her in a gift shop while vacation with her family. I think it is odd that he knows what she collects (even if it is a cheap shot glass) since she works in an office and just comes to the front desk. He knows what she collects?? I have looked at phone records and don't find anything odd. He always has cash on him and travels from shop to shop freely during the day. No way to track that. He says she controls the paperwork in this store and he was just being nice. Of course, I am thinking she sees him writing checks for 80K to 100,000 and she thinks he is a good catch. Am I jumping to conclusions? Also, for the last year he often drinks 3 to 4 vodkas at night and goes to bed at 9:30. He kept accusing me of snoring until I finally started sleeping in the guest room to keep from bothering him. Am I blind? We have a long and great relationship otherwise.
I made a typo... we were on vacation with our family - not her family. I have no idea who she is.
It was just so out of character and over the years our relationship has gotten "comfortable" but stale. The lack of attention makes me sad and lonely at times.

Highly unlikely that he is cheating. It was just a gift for a coworker. don't over think this. He just is not interested anymore... the alcohol, fatique, stress, age, all contribute. He should see an MD but probably won't.

| Aug 28, 2009

Should the C.I.A. be handing out drugs to Afghan warlords?

Dec 27, 2008 by marnefirstinfantry | Posted in Other - News & Events

CIA Using Viagra to Bribe Afghan Warlords

Friday, December 26, 2008 2:17 PM

By: Dave Eberhart Article Font Size

The CIA has developed a novel incentive to gain cooperation and support in Taliban-plagued Afghanistan - handing out libido-enhancing Viagra pills to targeted village patriarchs, according to a report in the Washington Post.

“Whatever it takes to make friends and influence people - whether it’s building a school or handing out Viagra,” said one agency operative with multiple tours in that war torn country.

Standard incentives - such as money, jewelry and cars - are too ostentatious, noted another operative to the Post.

“If you give an asset $1,000, he’ll go out and buy the shiniest junk he can find, and it will be apparent that he has suddenly come into a lot of money from someone,” said Jamie Smith, a veteran of CIA covert operations in Afghanistan. “Even if he doesn’t get killed, he becomes ineffective as an informant because everyone knows where he got it.”

The key, Sm

If it works, sure.

Shadow Knight | Dec 27, 2008

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