
Erectile dysfunction treatment: Levitra

Erectile dysfunction (or impotence) is primarily a disease, a very severe disease for many men, when they want, but cannot. Or speaking the language of science - this means the lack of erection maintenance. I.e. an erection should not only occur, but also be at an appropriate level, sufficient to carry out or perform a sexual act. The term "erectile dysfunction" was often referred to as impotence and people thought it was quite acceptable. However, now we most often use the term "erectile dysfunction" and this, in our view, is absolutely correct. The term "erectile dysfunction" can be consumed only when this disorder is present in a patient within 3 months or more. In this case modern doctors choose Levitra pharmacy. But there are exceptions to this rule - it is the presence of severe comorbidity, when all neuro-vascular bundles associated with the prostate are removed during surgery. For example, radical prostatectomy performed for prostate cancer.

All erection disorders can be divided into two large groups - primarily psychogenic and organic. The latter group comprises all diseases caused by and associated with vascular pathology (arteriogenic, venogennymi) and nerve (neurogenic) disorders. In addition, this group includes all heavy hormonal diseases. Severe somatic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, chronic renal and hepatic failure lead to erectile dysfunction of mixed origin.

A patient's consent is essential for erectile dysfunction diagnosis. First-line drugs for this pathology treatment include inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) (Levitra 20mg, Cialis). Duration of treatment and dosage are chosen by the doctor in each case individually. Firstly a physician must establish the genesis of erection disorder, which helps eliminating the cause of the disease and prescribing an adequate therapy. Generally accepted methods include questioning of patients to assess their state of erection, as well as Levitra drug online purchase. Currently, scientists developed a number of questionnaires used by doctors, urologists and sexologists in their practice. A careful history of anamnesis is simply necessary to identify possible factors for erectile dysfunction development (smoking, alcohol use, overweight, concomitant diseases, medications taken, etc.). It is often necessary to consult a psychiatrist to diagnose psychogenic disorders and decide whether to buy Levitra. All ED patients are sent to a blood test, including the definition of glucose (or glycosylated hemoglobin), total testosterone, prolactin and lipid blood profile (cholesterol, HDL and low density, triglycerides, and atherogenic index). Echo doplerography of penis and preprostatic venous plexus to identify vascular disorders of erection. If neurogenic ED is suspected, doctors perform electromyography of penis. The use of Doppler and electromyographic method is only possible when using the vasoactive substance prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) to simulate an erection with the help of medication.